Auburn Valley Tailwaggers
What is Dog 4-H?
Learn to train a dog for agility, obedience, showmanship or as an ideal pet. Topics include canine behavior, breed characteristics, diseases, ethics, grooming, health, nutrition, responsible breeding, service dogs, therapy dogs, dog-related careers, and the wide array of dog sports. You can also choose to compete in the 4-H county or state dog show.
Learn About Showmanship
Dog showmanship is a set of skills and etiquette used by handlers ofdogs in a dog competition. Dog showmanship is not a competition in itself but a qualification of the handler to present a dog to its best advantage.
Learn About Obedience
Obedience training ranges from very basic training, such as teaching thedog to reliably respond to basic commands such as "sit", "down", "come", and "stay".
Learn About Agility
Our club does not currently offer agility training. If you are interested in doing agility you can signup for classes outside of 4-H.
Dog agility is a popular canine sport in which a handler directs a dog through a variety of obstacles such as a tunnel, teeter-totter, tire jump, weave poles, pause table, and standard jumps. During competitive agility events, handlers attempt to navigate dogs through a course as quickly and as accurately as they can.